Damon's Seven Lakes,
A Private Fishing Club - Members and Special Guest only
Duck Lake Aerial View 2004
'The Old Man and his Dog' (Thank you-Adam and Matt)
Site Being Reconstructed !
Many members asked for Cat Fish: We have them in Duck and Hawk. It's time to take them Home. 18 1/4" Largest caught to date. (Squid, Zote Soap and Brown Wolly Buggers) New Fish Cleaning Table put next to bathrooms. Take all remains with you when you leave. Faucet behind bathroom has hose and nozzle to aid in cleaning. Put back on rack when finished.
All lakes are open to fishing. Eagle Lake is Catch and Release only! All hooks have to be Barbless - No Exceptions. Please be careful when fishing other lakes. 476 Tiger Bass have been moved to Goose, Martin, Swan and Quail. DO NOT KEEP ANY FISH with there Right Pelvic/ Ventral Fin clipped! No one is allowed to touch the feeders! We have lost two because the lids have been left off after food was taken out. Leave them alone!
Largest Picture So-Far this year
Bobby Ivie- 8 Lbs. 2 oz., Goose Lake, Green French Fry, 03-28-07
Some of the many fish caught in the last 7 years
Texas Fly Fisher's Outing
We had a little snow on Christmas 2004 !
Buddie's Puppy's
Martin Weir is up to 6.5 Lbs.(22") Bass and 2 Lbs. Sunfish: (on a 2 wt. Fly Rod), 14/16 small flies!
2# 10 oz. Feb./2007 Blue Gill - in Quail
Damon's Seven Lakes,L.L.C. ( 7L ) (What's Happened)
08/21/01 Sandy and Mike Arnold purchased property. 09/16/01 Open House. 09/27/01 6,000 Talapia put in Dove, Duck, Goose, Eagle, Swan Lakes. 10/02/01 New 30 HP Pump installed in Goose Lake (750 GM). 10/05/01 6,000 Talapia put in Dove, Duck, Goose, Eagle, Swan Lakes. 10/17/01 Electrical connection to Goose Lake completed and turned on. 10/20/01 Fixed pump in Dove Lake (400 GM). 10/28/01 Sprayed Vegetation- Duck, Eagle, Goose, Duck, Swan Lakes. 01/14/02 Put 3,000 Coppernose, 2,000 Redear, and 10,000 Flathead split to Eagle and Quail Lakes.01/23/02 Began feeding 35%-5/32-Rangen Inc. pellets to perch. 09/10/02 150 ea. Triploid Carp put in six of the Seven Lakes (Quail Lake excluded). 05/27/02 Foundation, raw plumbing, exterior, office and production room of 60 x 100 feet building completed. Bull Dozer work on peninsulas and general leveling. Swell put in by Dickie Norris's crew @ "Addicks Construction" to drain all water from the barn to the county drainage. Excellent job; Main road to pool area stays dry after 8 inches of recent rain. (11-15-02) New Septic System installed. 02/14/03 10,000 Shiners put in Lakes. On 03-20-03 - 120,000 Fathead Minnows (300 #s) put in 6 of the lakes. 20,000 to Goose, 20,000 to Quail, 20,000 to Swan, 20,000 to Dove, 10,000 to Martin, 30,000 to Duck. First fish feeder installed on Quail Lake. Goose , Dove, Martin, Swan also have feeders (05-23-03). 10/01/03 Began moving Bass in the Swimming Pool to Quail Lake (Done). 02/01/04 12 loads of crushed concrete added to some roads and levees. 03/22/04 Thanks to Tim Pike (Brazoria County Drainage Board) and Marshal Finley (Finley Dirt Services) we have an access road between Goose and Dove Lake. We have also run the PVC pipe @ Goose Lake to Duck Lake. We now have the capability to fill all lakes from either pump. 05/22/04 Put 37 cable reels and 11 more sets of pallets in various lakes along with more fertilizer. 12/08/04 Installed Aerator Windmill on Swan Lake. 12/14/04 Moved Swimming Pool fish to Swan Lake. 12/15/04 Installed second Aerator Windmill to Swan Lake. 03/01/05 Installed defusers in Dove Lake. 12/2005 moved Bass and Perch from pool to Swan Lake. 12/2005 began structuring Eagle Lake for February filling. This will be our gene stock for all lakes in the future.
04-01-05 Cleaned 7L Cabin for use by all members. Member must request dates at least one week in advance of day you wish to use the Cabin. If no one has scheduled the cabin's use, then day utilization can be used by all. Please call if you wish to reserve the cabin for your private use. When you need a break from the heat or rain, it is a good place to stay. All maintenance and repairs will be done by the members who use it. The plumbing works but the water is from the well and not approved to drink. All electrical appliances will be turned off when you leave. Trash will be removed and taken with you when you leave. As long as all members share their responsibility, the Cabin will be left for members' use. 11-29-2005 put 120 lbs. of Fathead minnows in Quail (20), Goose (20), Martin (20), Duck (30), Hawk (10) and Dove (20). 11-30-2005, 300 Channel Cat fingerlings to Hawk. Eagle Lake is being structured and will be filled starting 02-15-2006. 100,000 Fathead minnows were put in Eagle Lake 03/2006, and 2,000 Tiger Bass were introduced 06-01-2006. 08/24/2006 - 45,000 more Fathead Minnows and 10,000 Talapia were added to Goose and Martin. No Tiger Bass may be kept. The future of all the lakes relies on strict enforcement of this policy.
With the help of two members, Jeff Stagg and Adam Alvarado, we released the Tiger Bass: 06/01/2006. Thanks to the special financial contributions of Terry Malloy ( Action Box Company, - Company Member) and Richard Kauth, long time member, we have new Genes for our Lakes. ) 07/10/2006 -10,000 Talapia put in certain Lakes. 09/19/2006 installed three Fresh-flo aerators to lakes (Goose, Eagle, Dove). Please watch the cables as you fish.
Matt has busted his " and emptied most of the water in the pool. He has removed the deposits and prepared the pool for next years Coppernose recipients. Hundreds of large Sunfish have been moved to Swan Lake. All of the special Tiger Bass in the pool are now in swan. The Pool will be a Coppernose Sunfish only area for 2007. 5 new Martin Houses were installed to cut down on flying insects.
On December 14th, 2006 we stocked fish in the lakes. 1750 Channel Cat to Duck (10" to 16") . 600 ea. Red Ear to Duck Lake. 1500 ea Copper Nose (3 1/2"), 1500 ea. Red Nose (3 1/2"), and 1500 ea. Hybrid Sunfish (3 1/2") to Eagle, Martin and Dove. On January 11, 2007 we received the remainder of the fish we ordered. Duck received 1800 more Channel Cats. Martin received 1000 more Copper Nose. The Pool received 550 Copper Nose. Hawk was stocked with an additional 775 Channel Cats and 350 Red Ear perch. March, 2007 Matt finished the piers on Duck and Eagle. He is, and has, raked channels on many lakes to give ambush areas for the fish and the fishermen. On April 20th we stocked 200#'s plus of Fathead Minnows in Eagle. March 2007 brought chemical control to the pest vegetation. September 2008 put 500 pounds of Fathead minnows in Eagle Lake.
If you smoke, Field Strip your cigarettes, and take your Butts with you. DON'T TRASH THE LAKES !
The "Sign In" Register is in the white mailbox (blue 7L on side) at the front gate so you only have to get out of your vehicle one time. The form has been made to log your vehicle color, make and license number, for your safety and the security of the property. Please make note of any vehicle on the property that does not belong or is not registered on the log. Everyone on 7L is required to log on when they enter the premises (No Exceptions). If your guest brings his/her own vehicle it needs to be logged and your initials have to be next to their entry in the log. All people in your vehicle need to be entered in the # of People in your Party area, and those in your Party, under 17 yrs. in that area. We have placed Catch Forms in this mail box. Please fill out one on each trip so we can monitor lakes fish sizes. All fish taken out by members need to be log on this form (Size, Type, Lake). This is the only way we can accurately set slot limits.
We have accomplished a lot to the property in the last 6 years and will work toward correcting all that is necessary. Please continue with your suggestions and we will address them as we receive new funds to cover these projects.
Thanks for your support
Michael J. Arnold - Lakes Manager Matthew M. Arnold - Assistant Manger
*** We have/had Alligators, Snakes, Fire Ants, Chiggers, Ticks, along withPoison Oak (vines), Brown Recluse Spiders, Black Widows, etc. Please notify us of any sighting of these and we will try to eliminate the problem. You are in the country, Think foryourself and those you are responsible for, Especially The Kids.– Keep your eyes and ears open.
Annual Fishing Memberships Available
Damon's Seven Lakes, L.L.C. Fees, Day Rates & General Information
Single Membership-W/O: Fishing Rights for one person who is 21 years or older and named as a Member in good standing with all dues and fees current.
Single Membership: Fishing Rights for one person who is 18 years or older and named as a Member in good standing with all dues and fees current. Member can bring one additional adult with him/her each time he/she visits 7L at no extra charge. Children (<17) are not charged but must be supervised by a member (21 years or older) at all times. The Member is responsible for all people brought on the premises and must be in close proximity to the Member at all times. One adult per child.
Family Membership: Fishing rights for all persons in his/her immediate family who are 18 years or older and named as Members in good standing with all dues and fees current. This Membership can bring two additional adult guest with them each time they visit 7L at no extra charge. Children (<17) are not charged but must be supervised by a member (21 years or older) at all times. The Member is responsible for all people brought on the premises and must be in close proximity to the Member at all times. One adult per child.
Company Membership: Fishing rights for 4 designated company employees who are 21 years or older and named as Members in good standing with all dues and fees current. This Membership can bring two additional adult guests with them each time they visit 7L at no extra charge (6 maximum per visit total). Children (<17) are not charged but must be supervised by a Member (21 years or older) at all times. The Membership is responsible for all people brought on the premises and must be in close proximity to the Member at all times. One adult per child.
2007 Rates (Prior Members rates remain the same as long as they are current)
SINGLE MEMBERSHIP-W/O | $ 500.00 | $ 500.00 | N/A |
$ 950.00 |
$ 750.00 |
$ 35.00 |
$ 1450.00 |
$ 1300.00 |
$ 25.00 |
$ 2150.00 |
$ 1950.00 |
$ 25.00 |
Extra guest charges are due monthly and should be paid/mailed to Michael J. Arnold & Company.
Parties and Day Fishing: Call before you come ! ( Must be arranged before visit, one person has to be >20 years old ). Proof of age and a signed waiver for all in the party is required. All children must have at least one adult with them at all time on the property. ** Catch and release only for all Day Fishing and Parties.
Single Adult - $60.00 1/2 day- $100.00 full day, 1 ea. child free if accompanied by adult > 21 yrs. Extra children 1/2 adult rate.
2 Persons - $50.00 ½ day-$75.00 full day per Person, children free if accompanied by adults > 21 yrs., one child per adult.
4 Persons - $40.00 ½ day-$60.00 full day per Person, children free if accompanied by adults > 21 yrs., one child per adult.
10* Persons - $35.00 ½ day-$50.00 full day per Person, children free if accompanied by adults > 21 yrs., one child per adult.
20* Persons - $30.00 ½ day $45.00 full day per Person, children free if accompanied by adults > 21 yrs., one child per adult.
Catch and Release Only - Barbless Required for day Fishing only
Fishing Rules for All Lakes 09-30-2008
Members only
Dove: Bass under 15" may be kept. No more than 10 Bream per membership per visit may be taken. Check Right Pelvic/Ventral Fin; Release if clipped.
Duck: Bass under 15" may be kept. No more than 10 Bream , along with 30 ea. Channel Cats may be taken per membership per each visit.
No Bass are allowed to be introduced
into this lake. Catch and Release - All hooks have to be D-Barbed All Bream can be kept.
Goose: 3 Bass under 15" may be kept, per membership. No more than 10 Bream per membership per visit may be taken. (250 Tiger Bass have been introduced) Check Right Pelvic/Ventral Fin; Release if clipped.
Hawk: All hooks have to be D-Barbed. No Bream or Bass are to be taken. 15 ea. Channel Cats may be taken per membership on each visit.
Martin: Bass under 15" may be kept. No more than 10 Bream per membership, per visit may be taken. (as of 09-30-2008 there are 70 marked Tiger Bass put in this Lake, Return if caught). Check Right Pelvic/Ventral Fin; Release if clipped.
Pool: Bream fishing only. Catch and release only. (Raising Tiger Bass from Eagle this year)
Quail: Bass under 15" may be kept. No more than 10 Bream per membership per visit may be taken. (91 Tiger Bass have been introduced) Check Right Pelvic/Ventral Fin; Release if clipped.
Swan: Bass under 15" may be kept. No more than 10 Bream per membership per visit may be taken.
a Total of 20 Bream & 35 Cat may be taken per Membership per day!
These are Private Lakes and a Texas Fishing License is not required to fish these Lakes. The land you are fishing on is private property and any one found on the premises who does not have permission to be there will be prosecuted as a trespasser to the fullest extent of the law. The revenues from all fees charged will allow us to manage water levels, stock the proper levels of bait and fish, maintain the grounds, build piers, peninsulas, etc. Violations of any Rules or Laws (Federal, State or 7L) will cause membership to be cancelled and all monies paid will be forfeited. No illegal drugs will be tolerated on this property. Please do your part to keep this property clean of all trash. (We have trash cans available to put your trash in before you leave).
Police Officers and CHL Holders are the only persons who may have handguns on this property without prior written approval.
Contact: Mike Arnold or Matt Arnold@
Michael J. Arnold & Company – Damon's Seven Lakes, L.L.C.
3533 CR 4 (Old Damon W. Columbia Road), Damon, Texas 77430
979office742-3030 - 979fax742-3990 - 281home495-2564 - 832cell606-2522 - Email: mikearnold@peoplepc.com
979-742-3845- Leave your message.